What is the best way to clean a .308 bolt action rifle? Viking Arms’ Andy Norris takes us through the rifle cleaning process step by step.
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Here’s Andy’s how to guide:
Welcome to Viking HQ. I want to introduce you to the Pro-Shot Products from America. These are premium grade cleaning products that we are proud to distribute here in the UK.
Let’s break down gun cleaning:
Firstly, with your rifle, make sure it’s safe to move any ammunition, bolts, any accessories, or ancillaries scopes, etc. Remove anything that’s going to get in the way. The first thing you can do would be a field clean with a simple pull through with the one-step fluid. This kit is ideal if you’re going away for a long weekend. Take the barrel weight, drop it down through the action and it will find its way through the chamber all the way to the end. Try not to get the material part onto the floor, it will just pick up bits and pieces of dirt. When you’ve finished your shooting in the evening just give it a good strong pull through.
After using more rounds, give it a better clean using either the dedicated .22 or 6.5 30 calibre travel kit. These are ideal when traveling. The rods come in different lengths from from 32 inch rods to 20 or 18 inch.
Keep doing the pull through until no more dirt appears on the patches. If you start to feel as if your rifle is losing accuracy, give it a really deep clean. What I suggest you use then is the copper solvent again from Pro- Shot, then add the copper solvent. This will then start to break down any copper residue that has started to build up in the grooves. Then as before just keep brushing it through until the gun comes out clean. Some people will only ever use a pull through, others will go through the complete process. After every competition, wipe your rifle over with the Pro-Shot silicon cloth, just to get rid of any residue that’s there. Make sure other parts like your your thread are lubricated.
Pop a little drop of lubrication in the lock-in with your finger or cloth. Next, start to reassemble your rifle!
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